Suffering from Chronic Pelvic Pain?


Any  pelvic pain that lasts more than 6 months or more is categorized as Chronic Pelvic Pain. Many times this can be even after the original cause of pain is treated the pain persists. This is known as Chronic Pelvic  Pain (CPP) Syndrome. You are probably thinking “Why does this happen and how can I get relief?”. Keep reading to find out !

Mechanism for Chronic pain 

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  • The pain signals are handled differently in the brain of people with chronic pain.
  • There is an  increased nerve sensitivity upregulation of nerve signals transmitted to the brain, stress and anxiety can further add  to this dysfunction.
  • The pain signals travel through specific pathways to the brain via the spinal cord ,parts of the spinal cord  act like a gate, these gates can block the pain and thereby decrease or weaken the pain signals.
  • In people suffering from chronic pain, this part of the spinal cord may be malfunctioning, with the pain gate remaining open longer and even after the injured tissue is healing. This is when pain is experienced despite treating the original cause of pain.   

A Dr. will diagnose a person with the diagnosis of CPP , following a thorough physical exam and any lab tests and scans as deemed appropriate in the medical opinion of the Dr.

How can CPP be treated ?

Chronic pain affects all aspects of physical and emotional life. Pain includes both the body and the mind hence the effective treatment is one that treats the body and the mind .The multidisciplinary  team can include a Dr, PT, Counselor, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ,and Psychotherapy  .

Photo by VSRao
  • Pain Medications : Early treatment can be started with pain medications that make the symptoms more bearable, and a combination of medications that can be used to interrupt excessive pain signaling.
  • Physical Therapy : CPP can cause tension in the muscles of the pelvis causing bladder bowel and sexual dysfunction .Tension can result in trigger points that can be addressed by Physical therapy, and relaxation therapy.
  • Psychotherapy : psychological symptoms seen with CCP are anxiety ,depression, behavioral changes resulting in relational difficulties.These can be addressed in a counseling session or in psychotherapy.

How soon can one expect to see pain relief ?

Patience is a virtue

Chronic pain was a long time in the making resulting in physiological changes that have to be reversed and help decrease the pain , so what am I saying ? Please be patient. Yes patience is a big part of your healing journey !

Follow all instructions given by each one of your team members. It may take 3 to 6 weeks or more to start seeing results, I know that sounds like a long time , but remember it was a long time in the making and relearning has to take place.


  • CPP is the most common, (25% of the population in women) and disabling medical issues.
  • CPP can be due to improperly functioning pain gate pathway in the spinal cord.
  • Multidisciplinary team approach is best to address the symptoms psychosomatic in nature.
  • Treatment requires patience and doing your part that is required by the multidisciplinary team.

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